Submitted by heartin on Thu, 04/10/2014 - 21:10
You need to package your web application as a .war file to deploy it directly to Apache Tomcat. WAR stands for web archive. A different server might require a different format, for instance a glassfish server will need a .jar file whereas a websphere application server will require an .ear.
Installing and verifying a standalone Apache Tomcat
We will use a stand-alone tomcat for this example. Just download latest tomcat (.zip) version, unzip into a folder.
Submitted by heartin on Thu, 04/10/2014 - 12:06
We will create a simple JSP that prints "Hello World" in eclipse, deploy it and run it on the integrated tomcat.
Configure apache tomcat with eclipse as mentioned in configuring-apache-tomcat-with-eclipse and start and stop tomcat server from the servers view of eclipse.
Submitted by heartin on Thu, 04/10/2014 - 11:45
We will create a simple servlet that prints "Hello World" in eclipse, deploy it and run it on the integrated tomcat.
Configure apache tomcat with eclipse as mentioned in configuring-apache-tomcat-with-eclipse and start and stop tomcat server from the servers view of eclipse.
Submitted by heartin on Sun, 03/02/2014 - 02:58
Submitted by heartin on Fri, 03/01/2013 - 11:53
Follow the these steps to configure an apache tomcat server with eclipse, and use the server from within the eclipse and do start, stop, deploy etc.