App Servers

Packaging and Deploying a Web Application into Standalone Apache Tomcat

You need to package your web application as a .war file to deploy it directly to Apache Tomcat. WAR stands for web archive. A different server might require a different format, for instance a glassfish server will need a .jar file whereas a websphere application server will require an .ear.


Installing and verifying a standalone Apache Tomcat

We will use a stand-alone tomcat for this example. Just download latest tomcat (.zip) version, unzip into a folder.

Hello World JSP Web Application in Eclipse with Tomcat

We will create a simple JSP that prints "Hello World" in eclipse, deploy it and run it on the integrated tomcat. 



Configure apache tomcat with eclipse as mentioned in configuring-apache-tomcat-with-eclipse and start and stop tomcat server from the servers view of eclipse.


Hello World Servlet Application in Eclipse With Tomcat

We will create a simple servlet that prints "Hello World" in eclipse, deploy it and run it on the integrated tomcat. 



Configure apache tomcat with eclipse as mentioned in configuring-apache-tomcat-with-eclipse and start and stop tomcat server from the servers view of eclipse.


Configuring Apache Tomcat with Eclipse

Follow the these steps to configure an apache tomcat server with eclipse, and use the server from within the eclipse and do start, stop, deploy etc.


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