
[Example-Lab] Modifying the Attributes of the Embedded Class from Embedding Class in Hibernate 5

There might be situations where you would want to modify the attributes of the embedded class (eg. Address) within an embedding class (eg. User), for instance, changing the database column name for a field.

We can use @AttributeOverride annotation to override the details of a field of the embedded class and then enclose all such @AttributeOverride annotations inside @AttributeOverrides annotation.

Embedding Value Types and Collections Within an Entity Class in Hibernate 5

We have already seen the definition and properties of an entity and value class in http://javajee.com/entities-and-value-types-in-hibernate-43. We will not see how we can actually embed a value type within an entity. We will also see how we can embed a collection inside an entity.


Most Common Annotations Used in Hibernate 5

Here we will discuss most commonly used basic annotations in hibernate - @Entity, @Table, @Id, @GeneratedValue, @Column, @Basic, @Transient, @Temporal and @Lob. Even though many annotations has both JPA (java.persistance) and hibernate (org.hibernate) versions, it is preferred to use JPA annotations whenever possible. As you can see below, some of the hibernate specific annotations are already deprecated.


Object States in Hibernate 5

 A java object within a hibernate application can be in one of the three states:

  1. New/transient

  2. Attached/persistent

  3. Detached


Important points about object states in Hibernate

  • When an object is created, it will be in the new/transient state.

    • Hibernate will not save any updates to the transient objects.

CRUD Operations in Hibernate 5

CRUD operations are Create(save), Read(select), Update(update) and Delete(delete).

Examples discussed here need to be tried out on top of the lab done @  http://javajee.com/lab-your-first-hibernate-43-program.



Select, Save, update and delete operations in hibernate should be called within a session:

 SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();


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