Submitted by sneha on Sun, 04/15/2018 - 05:45
This note book will help you to get started with Hibernate 5 like setting up environment, inheritance, mappings, HQL and the Criterial API.
All the examples in this book is tested with Hibernate version 4.3.11.
Please refer to the hibernate references section to see the reference books that we use for learning and training purposes.
Submitted by heartin on Wed, 04/13/2016 - 21:16
You have different logging options in Hibernate and let us see some of those options quickly. Hibernate supports simple property based log enabling to supporting standard logging frameworks and even programmatically accessing log statistics.
Submitted by heartin on Wed, 04/13/2016 - 09:00
In JPA, the EntityManager controls the lifecycle of the entities.
Different ORM vendors provide its own entity manager, which is usually a wrapper around the core API and thus supports the JPA programming interfaces, life cycles and query language.
You obtain the EntityManager from an entity manager factory. EntityManagerFactory has the same role as SessionFactory in Hibernate.
Submitted by heartin on Tue, 04/12/2016 - 19:30
Before working with hibernate in your code, you will need to configure Hibernate with information regarding your database such as host, port, credentials etc. You also need to create mappings that tell hibernate how to map the state of a Java entity to the columns of its corresponding table.
We can configure various hibernate features either through annotations or through xml files (hbm files). Preferred approach currently is annotations.
You can configure Hibernate mainly in three ways:
Submitted by sneha on Mon, 10/26/2015 - 09:22
Hibernate provide Criteria Queries as an object-oriented alternative to HQL. Criteria Query is used to modify the objects and provide restriction for the objects. Many complex queries in HQL or even SQL may become larger over a period of time and spread over many lines; and will be difficult to update and maintain. We have already seen HQL in