Submitted by heartin on Tue, 11/27/2012 - 08:27
Inner class is a class within another class, method or block. An inner class can be one of the following four types: Anonymous, Local, Member and Nested top-level.
Submitted by heartin on Wed, 09/19/2012 - 22:14
A class represent the properties and behabiour of an object. An methods represent these behaviours.
Submitted by heartin on Wed, 09/19/2012 - 02:29
A variable is something that can hold some data. Class variables or static variables belong to class. Instance variables are non-static variables belong to objects. Local variables are local within blocks or methods and they die when we exit that block or method.
Submitted by heartin on Thu, 09/06/2012 - 05:07
Enums in java are classes and each constant in an enum is a public final static field that represents an instance of its enum class. Unlike enums in java which are classes, traditional enumerated types ( used in java before java 5 and in some other languages) were a set of int/String constants.
Submitted by heartin on Fri, 08/24/2012 - 23:52
You are allowed to put a label on any statement. Labels are given points in code mainly used along with goto in some other languages. Labels are rarely needed in Java, which lacks a goto statement like some other languages.
In java, labels are mainly used by break and continue statements which normally terminate or continue the innermost block.